Women in Blockchain Asia (WIBA): Proud Community Partner of the Singapore FinTech Festival 2023

Empowering Women Leaders in the Blockchain Industry Women in Blockchain Asia (WIBA) is thrilled to announce our partnership with the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) 2023. This collaboration underscores our commitment to fostering an inclusive new economy, positioning women in Asia as leaders in the blockchain industry and agents of change and social good. Uniting for …

WIBA Rolls Out Its First Ever Women-Centric Blockchain Programmers Course

Women In Blockchain Asia (WIBA) announced the first cohort of its women-centric blockchain programmers course in seven Malaysian universities. Participating universities are: Asia Pacific University, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Raffles College of Higher Education and Universiti Malaysia Sabah. Partnering with REACH and backed by Algorand Foundation, …

Why are More Women Needed in STEM?

“Job opportunities in STEM are rising twice as fast as in other fields and it is 30% more difficult to hire talents for STEM jobs.” By Ivy Fung, Founding Member of WIBA This article is first published in Money Compass, June 2022, Volume 54. Also in Ivy’s LinkedIn post.


Announces Tie-Ups with Algorand Foundation and Untam3ed towards growing the participation of Singaporean women in blockchain SINGAPORE, 1 June  2022: Women In Blockchain Asia (WIBA) Singaporean chapter was launched today heralding a new chapter in the development and participation of women in digital technology. This launch heralds the second chapter launched in Asia, after the …