Announces Tie-Ups with Algorand Foundation and Untam3ed towards growing the participation of Singaporean women in blockchain

SINGAPORE, 1 June  2022: Women In Blockchain Asia (WIBA) Singaporean chapter was launched today heralding a new chapter in the development and participation of women in digital technology. This launch heralds the second chapter launched in Asia, after the Malaysian chapter was launched on 18 May.

Under the banner of “Let’s build an inclusive future with the power of Blockchain”, WIBA was set up as a mission-driven non-for-profit organisation established to help foster growth of the blockchain industry by increasing the representation and profile of women in blockchain in Asia.

Its overarching aim is to enable and empower Asian women through knowledge, experience and resources needed to thrive as builders and leaders in the blockchain space.

Through partnerships with industry players, educational institutions, Governments and multilateral organisations WIBA will provide educational programs as well as the rollout of exciting blockchain projects and community support networks to help women in Asia get on the digital “ladder”. 

WIBA is led by a group of multi-talented individuals who have experience in blockchain, fintech, design, banking, market development, and more. Founding team members are Ida Mok, President; Poesy Liang, Vice President; Jasmine Ng, Surina Shukri, Farah Jaafar, Ivy Fung, Chezka Gonzales, Belinda Lim and George Wong.

Lim, a well-respected member of the blockchain community will lead the Singaporean chapter. Among the announcements that were released as part of the launch of the chapter is Singapore were:


WIBA has partnered with REACH, backed by the Algorand Foundation to bring blockchain learning resources to educational institutions. This partnership includes the rollout in Singapore of The Algorand x WIBA Blockchain Certification via institutions of higher learning in the island state.

The syllabus and certification will be executed by WIBA under the auspicious of Algorand Foundation and will be offered over a 12-week period for all those enrolled in these institutions.

It is expected as more regional linkages are in place, an Asian wide challenge would be planned, allowing for more cross-national as well as regional collaboration between women in blockchain.

In addition to the partnership with Algorand, an agreement with Untam3ed, was also reached with the specific intention of cross-pollination of ideas and female-focused joint initiatives.

Ida Mok, President of WIBA believes the launch of the Singaporean chapter so soon after the initial launch in Kuala Lumpur is testament to the growth and focus by females in the gives a peek into what a blockchain-enabled future may look like. “I am excited to see how quickly WIBA is spreading its wings, and believe it’s a testament to the need for a female focussed group, to really spearhead the cause, across all of Asia,”

Mok went on to add, that WIBA encourages other women based digital groups to come together with WIBA in order to provide a cohesive voice in the space, facilitating a unified approach in championing the role of women in advancement of blockchain technology.

Belinda Co-founder, Avarta and author of Blocklass, a can-read guide for blockchain newbies – the first-ever book focused on the journey of amazing Asian ladies in the blockchain space, and WIBA’s Singapore chapter lead said “Given Singapore is a blockchain hub, WIBA Singapore will help push the agenda for ladies towards a leadership position in the space, In addition, I sincerely hope WIBA will also provide a “safe space” for women to embark on their journey in Blockchain, be it as a career switch or create their own projects”.

The launch of WIBA Singapore was sponsored by the following organisations Tokocrypto and Digital Insights, as part of their commitment to the development of women in the space. It is expected more corporates to join WIBA generally, as more recognition is achieved vis a vis the need for diversity in the space and the contribution of women in blockchain specifically.

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